Friday, February 3, 2012

SJVC Student Turned Staff – Because of the Student Center

Nicky Votaw was one of the many California Valley natives that grew up listening to both her mother and the radio sing the SJVC jingle. In her words, she “heard it all the time, every day.”

After a run around a few schools and a job as a pre-school teacher, Nicky stated, “I knew if I wanted to do something and have my own family, I needed to go out, find a job and get some education and a real career.” But as a Pharmacy Tech student who enjoyed her externship, she never expected to stay in the Student Center after graduation.

What brought you to SJVC?
I actually went around to several colleges in town, looked at a lot of different programs and found that SJVC had not only the certificate but I was also going to get my degree at the same time. I didn’t want just a certificate I wanted to have all my education – I spent all this time and money, I want everything. I want to be marketable, I want to be out there and say “Yes, I can do the pharmacy and I have my degree to back me up at the same time.”

How did you end up with a job in the Student Center – and a passion for it?
I went through the [Pharmacy Tech] program and managed to graduate with a 4.0 which surprised everybody because I wasn’t that great of a student growing up. Halfway through I was introduced to the student center and they had me as a volunteer tutor for math and English and MyLabs. I fell in love with it. I love pharmacy and I love tech-ing and I loved my extern site – I loved doing everything I did - but I truly feel in love with the student center and helping the students. It gave me a sense of accomplishment for them to come back and say “Because of you, I was able to succeed in my algebra class.” I knew I wanted to come back and teach but that just really ran it home for me. So about a month ago, the position opened up and I applied for it, crossing my fingers and hoping and hoping and hoping and I actually interviewed and got the job – so not only did I graduate, I now work here!

What was your first impression of SJVC as a student?
I didn’t expect it to be as big as it is. I thought it was just a little, small, baby community college that offered a couple of things here and there. I was expecting the pharmacy lab but I wasn’t expecting the in depth-ness I got, the education I got –the lab was amazing to me. It was just the things they have on campus, the things they have the ability to do – that was one of the reasons I chose SJVC - they had that opportunity to get more hands on.

What were some of your goals as a student?
I was determined when I went through my first mod and managed to get a 4.0, I wanted that. That was one of the things that I wanted the most. I wanted to see and prove to myself that yes, I could pull the grades and yes, I could do the work. Even though my head wanted to explode most days, I could do it!

Is there anything you wish you had known when you started?
I wish I had known ten years ago to come here and go through the program. I probably wasn’t ready ten years ago but I wish I had known a little bit more… You come to a school like this and they interview and talk to you and they find out your personality and what would fit for you and they help you. They fit you into positions and directions that are going to be beneficial to you – they’re not going to sit you in a business job if you hate sitting in a desk and doing paperwork all day.

Do you have encouragement for other students?
If you can put your mind to it, you can do it. I mean I spent a lot of times building up some of the younger students and dragging them around going come on come on we can do this we can do this. Anybody can do it. I mean I’m 36 years old and I put myself right back through college and got a 4.0. If I can do it at 36, anybody can do it at any age. It’s the determination – the will the drive, what you need to do.

Nicky loves to read books and is a self-described “gamer nerd.” She would love go to Australia because she is in love with the accent – although if she could speak Japanese, Japan might be number one on the list.

We’re so proud of you, Nicky and happy to have you on our team!

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