The Clinical Educator of the Year award recognizes
outstanding educators who dedicate their lives towards their job, students and
Jennifer works in a close department that has bonded due to
the fact that they all have the same goal; to help their students. If a student
needs help she is always willing to help them regardless of if they are her
students or not.
“We are more than willing to go above and beyond for our
students,” explains Jennifer. She hopes that by winning this award SJVC students realize that there really are instructors that are fully committed to
their job.
“Ms. Nyswonger
exhibits the best and highest possible standards and that her work ethic is
above reproach,” explains program director Teri Junge. “Her dedication to her profession is evident
in all she does.” Teri nominated Jennifer for this award and is thrilled that
she has won.
Jennifer was announced the winner at a national convention
in Washington D.C. Although she was not able to attend the convention, she was
sent an award with her name engraved on it as well as five hundred dollars.
Since joining SJVC, Jennifer has made a positive impact on
her students and fellow employees. While currently working on receiving her
Bachelor of Arts in Education degree, she is able to take what she is learning
in her classes into the classroom.
As a result of her commitment to surgical technology
education and her enhanced teaching skills, she has increased the CST exam pass
rate for our graduates to 94%. She is a self-directed individual who is well
respected by her students and peers.
Teri is quick to say that, “Ms. Nyswonger is a self-directed
individual who is well respected by her students and peers!”